Energy Teachings of the Three by David Kyle

New Book Release

“This wonderful book by David Kyle provides clear and powerful tools to meet this challenge and unlock the powerful resources within us.” - David Spangler, author of Working with Subtle Energies


The Luminiarians

David was initiated by ‘the three’ - three eight foot tall beings in the mountains of Peru.



David Kyle has been a professor, TV producer, carpenter, director of management training, founder of two consulting companies, academic director for a master’s in organizational leadership and an adventurer traveling the world.

Healing Sessions

David has been trained in the Andean shamanic healing tradition. Most shamanic healing traditions work with the energy systems of the body and the energy fields around the body.

“Not only the session was amazing, but teaching me how to maintain
my energy health has been a life saver for me."

“You're likely to feel these transformational currents infusing your own heart and body as you immerse yourself in the information field carried by this precious book (Energy Teachings of the Three)."

- Dawson Church, award-winning author of
Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity and Joy

Other Books by David T. Kyle


This book shows how trapped we are in a mechanized, consumer-driven society. It describes how the corporation-economy creates a Machine Culture in which all of us are oilers of our spiritual impoverishment. It describes how the corporation-economy creates a Machine Culture in which all of us are oilers of our spiritual impoverishment.

People who are promoted because of the skills and competencies that have made them successful often experience a dramatic change in behavior when they assume a new higher-powered position. This book offers readers the ability to move into new positions of leadership with the tools needed to become inspiring leaders.

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